Sex Therapy

Sex therapy addresses physical or psychological areas related to sexual health. It is for an individual or individuals in relationship seeking increased connection, pleasure, intimacy and an increased knowledge of your sexual self. Sex therapy is entirely talk therapy; there is no sexual touching during sessions. I may give you and your partner(s) tasks/exercises to perform outside of sessions on your own time. 

Couple holding hands at sunset

General areas of focus:

  • Increasing sexual desire and curiosity
  • Exploring sexual or gender identity
  • Erotic mismatch / discrepancy in desire levels or desires of partners
  • Sexual health issues
  • Increasing sexual pleasure and satisfaction
  • Destigmatizing sex and reducing sexual shame
  • Exploring and determining sexual values and interests
  • Exploring or navigating non-monogamy
  • Looking at how past experiences/wounds may be affecting your relationship with yourself, sex and your current partner(s)
  • Increasing pleasure and desire in a long term monogamous relationship

My rate for individual Sex Therapy is $175 for a 50 minute session. 

"I used to have a lot of shame around some kinks and fetishes that I have. Sometimes in the past I haven't even talked about these with my therapists because when I have they have not been well received, adding to my shame. Anissa was so open-minded and warm I decided to talk about it and I'm so happy I did." 


Do you have questions about what Sex Therapy could look like for you? I offer a free 15 minute phone consultation.  Contact me now

Please feel free to contact me!


2133 NE Broadway #303 Portland OR 97232 P: 503-568-1201


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:

10 to 6

Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday:
